Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Spinal Injuries

Recently my father, who is 64 years old and about 85 kgs, fell down the stairs and suffered a fracture between the C5 and C6 vertebrae of his spine.

No one was home when it happened, and we had to break the door to get to him, just to find him sprawled on the floor, unable to get off the floor on his own.

We immediately took him to the doctor, my father was in extreme pain, and the doctor first recommended that we take him for an X-Ray, unfortunately due to the kind of trauma his spine had suffered an MRI was recommended for the best possible image to detect the extent of the injury.

An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging technique that uses a strong Magnetic Field to make images of structures inside the body.

An MRI is used in cases where X-Rays are not able to provide enough information about the trauma, because of bones or tissues that are in the way of a clear view of the trauma/injury.

Finding out where I could take him for the MRI was the hard part. I had no information about which centres provided MRI scan, which were better facilities, better machines, where the scans were most competitively priced? Which centres were better for Cervical Injuries?

That's when I came across Zywee.com, a website that is a one stop shop for all hospital and healthcare options in Bangalore, from doctors to specialities to reviews and prices. Zywee has everything one needs to know when it comes to healing oneself or a loved one.

To my joy I was able to locate the nearest MRI Centre and was prepared with what it would cost me, but mostly I was glad that I could access this information with a few clicks on my laptop. 

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