Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Health Check-Ups

When was the last time you got a complete Health Check-Up that wasn’t mandated by a job that you were interviewing for?

Job stress, fast food, alcohol, cigarettes, too many cups of coffee, irregular food and sleeping habits, you name it and the urban population is going about it in not their best interest.

People in their 30’s, basically people in the same decade of age as me are now suffering from Lifestyle diseases such as  High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Hyperacidity, Migraines and the worst of them all, Heart Attacks. I recently heard of a 28 year old who suffered a heart attack (unrelated to a genetic defect), thankfully not fatal, but I’m sure an earth shattering wakeup call.

Come January 1st and most set bright shiny resolutions to get healthier, and quit excessive the chais & ciggys, exercise regularly etc etc.

The first two months are spent with the best of intentions trying really hard, to be the change we want to be.  Alas, the realities of life, the aggressive deadlines, the late nights, socialising all get in the way of our best intentions, and we’re back to sedentary jobs, and too much sitting around, eating unhealthy, pushing ourselves physically and mentally and not enough recharge.

What I consider a great resolution each year is a complete health check up, it’s probably easier than following through than the ones listed above; of course not a license to continue with unhealthy life styles, most definitely need to lead a healthier life.
I reckon keeping track of how your lipids are doing and what level your haemoglobin lies at and how high or low your blood pressure registers, is a good idea from a preventative point of view, or a stitch in time point of view.

Maybe all you need if warned early is a dose of more fibre or some vitamins or more beetroot and greens for an extra measure of iron.  Or maybe something stronger, but wont catching whatever it is early a great thing for your health.

On the flip side a clean bill of health, makes it all the easier to maintain the aforementioned health, and smile your way through the year, resolutions and all.

Do yourself a favour and book yourself a complete Health Check-Up, for peace of mind.

Check out Zywee.com for health packages available at a hospital nearest to you.